full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Asher Hasan: My message of peace from Pakistan

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Namaste. Salaam. shoalm. Sat Sri Akal. Greetings to all of you from Pakistan. It is often said that we fear that which we do not know. And Pakistan, in this particular vein, is very similar. Because it has provoked, and does provoke, a visceral atenxiy in the blleies of many a Western soul, especially when viewed through the monochromatic lens of turbulence and turmoil. But there are many other dimensions to Pakistan.
And what follows is a sratem of images, a series of images captured by some of Pakistan's most dynamic and young ptarohogrephs, that aims to give you an alternative glimpse, a look inside the hearts and minds of some orairdny Pakistani citizens. Here are some of the sioters they wanted us to share with you.

Open Cloze

Namaste. Salaam. ______. Sat Sri Akal. Greetings to all of you from Pakistan. It is often said that we fear that which we do not know. And Pakistan, in this particular vein, is very similar. Because it has provoked, and does provoke, a visceral _______ in the _______ of many a Western soul, especially when viewed through the monochromatic lens of turbulence and turmoil. But there are many other dimensions to Pakistan.
And what follows is a ______ of images, a series of images captured by some of Pakistan's most dynamic and young _____________, that aims to give you an alternative glimpse, a look inside the hearts and minds of some ________ Pakistani citizens. Here are some of the _______ they wanted us to share with you.


  1. ordinary
  2. stories
  3. stream
  4. bellies
  5. shalom
  6. photographers
  7. anxiety

Original Text

Namaste. Salaam. Shalom. Sat Sri Akal. Greetings to all of you from Pakistan. It is often said that we fear that which we do not know. And Pakistan, in this particular vein, is very similar. Because it has provoked, and does provoke, a visceral anxiety in the bellies of many a Western soul, especially when viewed through the monochromatic lens of turbulence and turmoil. But there are many other dimensions to Pakistan.
And what follows is a stream of images, a series of images captured by some of Pakistan's most dynamic and young photographers, that aims to give you an alternative glimpse, a look inside the hearts and minds of some ordinary Pakistani citizens. Here are some of the stories they wanted us to share with you.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
rising tide 2

Important Words

  1. aims
  2. akal
  3. alternative
  4. anxiety
  5. bellies
  6. captured
  7. citizens
  8. dimensions
  9. dynamic
  10. fear
  11. give
  12. glimpse
  13. hearts
  14. images
  15. lens
  16. minds
  17. monochromatic
  18. namaste
  19. ordinary
  20. pakistan
  21. pakistani
  22. photographers
  23. provoke
  24. provoked
  25. salaam
  26. sat
  27. series
  28. shalom
  29. share
  30. similar
  31. soul
  32. sri
  33. stories
  34. stream
  35. turbulence
  36. turmoil
  37. vein
  38. viewed
  39. visceral
  40. wanted
  41. western
  42. young